Do You Fall into Any of the 5 Indigo Generations?
If you suspect that you are an Indigo adult or have an Indigo child, read about the generations below. Do you belong to one of the Indigo Generations.
Read all about it below.
For a very long time Indigo children were residing on Earth, you may be one. Do you think you belong to an Indigo generation, which one? The manifestation of Indigo people is not a recent phenomenon at all. Having said that; it is also true that their numbers haven’t seen such a rise in quite some time. And therefore, it is more notable that there are more Indigos on earth at once than ever before.
The Indigo Ray people, also known as the Blue Ones, have existed on this planet for a long time, but their population has always been very small, with only a few of them present at any given time. As soon as the twentieth century began to draw toward its close this changed as they are population in this day and age.
Indigos have always been an integral part of humanity’s progress in consciousness, no matter how far in between or rare these people have manifested on earth, this is certain. Whether or not they gained much recognition, they have guided the world in the form of leaders and innovators and they were always present.
As I mentioned before, the rise in numbers over the past 60 years give or take has been definitive. With careful observation, one can find 5 distinct generations or periods of manifestations on earth among these Indigo people, each of them spanned approximately the duration of one decade.
Each Indigo generation awakens years and auric values, as well as has their own unique characteristics which distinguishes them from the rest. Are you part of one of the generations, let’s have a look…

1. The Alpha Generation (One)
The gifts they have lost is to be rediscovered and recovered, this was a time for them to do so. Some have reached the level where they will transition to the Octarine phase.

2. The Beta Generation (Two)
The Indigo generation which manifested second was over the period of 1968 – 1978. As the ones before them, they were born with the same overlays, i.e. – blue-violet-green.
The difference in the two are that these overlays were not accompanied by tan camouflage. Also, their awakening years, i.e., Saturn’s Return were approximately between 1996 – 2006.
Naturally, they are also in the years of their post-awakening.

3. The Gamma Generation (Three)
Between the years 1978 – 1988 the third generation of Indigos were born. This generation is quite different from the first two, because they have very few overlays if any at all. There isn’t much variety in the case of an overlay, it is most probably violet. The probability is much less but Crystal or Octarine might also occur.
In other ways this generation of Indigos are unique too. This Indigo generation is the first of all to witness, amongst the Blue ones in their childhood phase, what came to be referred to as early occurrences of ADD and ADHD.
This generation’s awakening years, i.e., Saturn’s return were the years approximately between 2006 – 2016.

4 The Delta Generation (Four)
Between the years 1988 – 1998 this generation of Indigo people were born. Because they have absolutely no overlay at all they are considered the pure ones or the pure Indigos.
They are just like the crystal or octarine overlay, but in some cases considered chameleonic colours. These are the wildest on the ADD/ADHD spectrum among all the Indigo generations.
Grounding is needed for the crystal element in their overlay, things that make it worse is overstimulation by drugs etc.
In addition to slow rhythms, warm and deep colours are suggested to be used in their everyday environment. Soothing and calming the Indigo child or adult, is vital especially because often they usually find themselves overstimulated in an environment that is full of flashy lights and noises, and this will help.
Their adolescence (which is already harder than any other group) would be very difficult to manoeuvre if these measures are not taken, and one might see a lot of drug abuse, suicides and so on unfortunately.
This generation’s awakening years, i.e., Saturn’s return were the years approximately between 2016 and 2026.

5 The Omega Generation (five)
This Indigo generation refers to the people born between 1998 – 2008 who are believed to have certain spiritual qualities. This generations considered to be the last group of the pure Indigos, and the future generations may not have as many individuals with these qualities.
Like the Delta generation, the Indigo generation may face challenges adapting to their environment, especially if they have a slightly less than holistic local situation, it would be a lot harder to go through their childhood.
It’s possible that many of these individuals will be born in the future into families of earlier Indigos or may be reincarnations of the first and second Indigo generations.
The awakening years, i.e., Saturn’s Return is between 2026 – 2036 and is believed to be a time when this generation will become more aware of their spiritual gifts, although this time frame may change depending on different circumstances. The population of people with Indigo qualities is expected to decrease over time.
The information about the Indigo generations can be helpful for the Indigos who are currently experiencing their awakening years, i.e., Saturn’s return. Although it’s rare for someone under the age of 30 to go through this, it does happen.
When an Indigo reaches the time of Saturn’s return or awakening years, they are able to see their true self without camouflage and overlays and their psychic powers and hidden potential can shine through.
Unless well guided this time can be difficult for them, it is important to have partnerships and guidance to help during this time. It’s not easy to understand why these overlays had to be stripped away.
These time periods mentioned in the previous statements don’t mean that those born before or after are not valid Indigos and their spiritual abilities aren’t questioned at all. These are just the times when Indigo individuals was in abundance in the Indigo population.